Singing Guide: Alan Walker & Ruben

Singing Guide: Alan Walker & Ruben

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Alan Walker & Ruben are two famous artists that have captivated audiences with their unique style and sound. Alan Walker is known for his distinct electronic melodies, while Ruben is recognized for his emotive and raw vocal performances. In order to learn singing like them, one must understand their unique vocal techniques and incorporate them into their singing practice.

Alan Walker's songs showcase his electronic sound and unique vocal processing effects. To sing like Alan Walker, one must pay attention to breath control and the use of vocal fry. Alan Walker frequently uses breathy vocals with the help of a vocal fry technique, which can be achieved by engaging the muscles in the vocal cords and humming. Practice exercises such as the Farinelli Breathing exercise and the Singing Comfort Zone exercise to help with breath control and chest voice.

Ruben's voice is incredibly powerful and emotive, requiring a deep connection to the lyrics and a controlled use of vibrato. To sing like Ruben, one must first develop a deep understanding of the lyrics and connect with the emotion of the song. Ruben frequently uses vibrato as a way to add emotion and color to his sound. This can be achieved by practicing exercises such as the Beggars Bounce and the Diaphragm Bounce exercise.

Singing Carrots provides the tools to help you learn to sing like Alan Walker and Ruben. The vocal range test can help you determine your vocal range and which artist may be a better fit for your voice. The pitch accuracy test can help you improve your pitch accuracy, which is essential for singing in tune. The vocal pitch monitor, pitch training, and artists vocal ranges tools help you fine-tune your technique using fun and interactive games.

Additional articles and exercises to improve your technique include "How to learn a song effectively", "Why do we sing out of pitch?", and "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking". These resources can all be found on Singing Carrots, along with relevant exercises and practice tips.

Incorporating these techniques and utilizing the resources provided by Singing Carrots will help you develop the same unique vocal techniques as Alan Walker and Ruben, and set you on the path to becoming a successful singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.